Outdoor Leadership Blog
The ultimate resource for adventure leaders
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The Outdoor Leadership Blog
Read by people who use the outdoors for ministry in 55+ countries. We love adventure, Jesus, and the outdoors.
What Skills Do You Need to Facilitate Effective Wilderness Experiences?
In this Top 20 Questions: How to Start a Wilderness...
5 Reasons Wilderness Can Help Heal the Impacts of the Pandemic
Youth are navigating some serious spiritual terrain today!...
Please enjoy this post from Andrew Underwood, from WMI as...
Sun Protection Reminds Us to Be On Guard Against a Hidden Enemy
Please enjoy this post from Andrew Underwood, from WMI as...
2 Training Opportunities to Take Advantage of this Summer
After many months of putting things on hold, summer holds...
How Fire Can Illuminate Us to the Nature of the Holy Spirit
Presence of Fire Changes Everything A few years ago, on a...

Water is a Fountain of Life and Learning
I was on a personal trip with a good friend of mine, snowshoeing through the Yosemite backcountry in early February. Winter in the high Sierras of California is quite an amazing time to experience the mountains. We had planned a light and fast trip, to enable us to...

Jesus Our North Star and Our Southern Cross | A Christmas Devotion
This Advent season try gazing up at a clear night sky for a few minutes to let the pin-pricked veil of darkness above lead you to awe and worship of Jesus. O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens....

Tips for Effective Winter Wilderness Ministry | Day Trips
This week's post is from Joel Vermillion, Director of Wilderness Ministry Institute. I love winter. I love snow and skiing, and so many of the unique attributes of God’s creation we can experience in winter. Sometimes it is overlooked as a context for ministry, or...

Food: Nourishment for Our Bodies or Our Hearts?
I was guiding a small group through a narrow mountain valley on a cold, foggy, wet morning high up on the Tibetan Plateau in western China. In the distance, we saw a woman waving her arms in front of her nomadic yurt. Initially thinking something was wrong, we hastily...

Shelters Protect Us in Every Variation of Circumstances It was a wonderful day in late June, high up in the mountains of the Bridger-Teton Wilderness in Wyoming, USA. Our group had spent most of the day slogging through some...
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Books and Resources
Christian Outdoor Leadership, The Personality of Jesus and The Master Plan of Evangelism are books that have marked people’s lives and ministry philosophies around the world.