Please enjoy this post from Andrew Underwood, from WMI as he continues to share insights in this Biblical Reflections on the Wilderness Essentials series.

- Summer is not the only season you can suffer from sun-related injury/illnesses. Factors like snow and water reflection, altitude and exposure are all highly important factors.
- Sun protection includes but is not limited to; sunglasses, hats, sun shirts, sunscreen, and tarps for shading.
- Unprotected sun exposure can lead to more than just burns. It can lead to dehydration, headaches, nausea, even fever. You should cover this in any Wilderness First Aid course. Additionally, do not underestimate the seriousness of eye protection, especially on snow or up at altitude in mountaineering pursuits, it is possible to burn your eyes.
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
Paul is helping us see that there is something often hidden from our attention, something hard to see, something dangerous to us behind the present evil that we experience in the world. So that when are wronged by someone, or when we see oppression and injustice, wicked behavior or even struggle with our own temptations, it is really this hidden force that is behind it all. He is directing our eyes to who the real enemy is so we can be on guard. He also gives us some guidance on how to do that, He says that we should “put on the full armor of God” so that we can stand our ground against these schemes of our enemy and to take up the “shield of truth” so that we can extinguish the “flaming arrows of the evil one”.
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Take the lesson from my experience, and be on guard but this time, fully armored. We would remember to put on righteousness, truth, and readiness to stand firm that comes with salvation. So, when are loading up the raft to get on the river, thinking of whether or not staying wet all day is going to protect us from getting burned, let it be a reminder of Pauls message to the church in Ephesus, to be on our guard, to stand strong and armored for the unseen realm has the potential to burn us. It’s good to mention, that good coverage is necessary too, he says to put on the full armor of God, so don’t forget to sunscreen your ears, I always forget my ears.
1. Can you think of a time you should have protected yourself or others more from the sun?
2. Can you think of a few other scriptures that talk about “being on your guard”?
3. What are two other ways that you can use sun protection to talk about truths from scripture?