Sep 1, 2012 | Adventure Therapy, Leadership Development, Leadership Skills, Performance, Spiritual Formation
An Outdoor Lifestyle is a Remedy for an Addiction to the Drug of Drivenness He mocks proud mockers but gives grace to the humble. (Proverbs 3:34) 4 Ways a Christ-centered Outdoor Lifestyle Heals the Achilles Heal of Performance Anxiety At times in my life, of my...
Aug 21, 2012 | Adventure Racing, Cycling, Experiential Teaching & Facilitation, Outdoor Leadership Training Tips (Blog Series), Spiritual Formation
ROAD CYCLING PURGES MY PRIDE – WHICH IS A GOOD THING! Road cycling offers an opportunity to dismantle pride-filled tendencies in me. I leave the house in the early morning of 5:30 am to spin. My idyllic setting includes rolling hills, majestic mountains,...
May 22, 2012 | Examen, Experiential Teaching & Facilitation, Exposure, Outdoor Leadership Training Tips (Blog Series), Solitude, Spiritual Formation, Streams, Wilderness Core Knowledge
Why be so concerned about the dried-up streams when the rivers of living water are so available? (Francois Fenelon, Let Go) He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful....
Apr 30, 2012 | Awareness, Experiential Teaching & Facilitation, Facilitation, Spiritual Formation, Teachable Moments, Wilderness Core Knowledge
Guest blogger, Edy Sutherland shares a story from a night hike she went on with a women’s ministry trip called, “Into the WHY’ld” in Sedona, AZ. Not only is it a great story (for men and women), but it also gives a practical idea from the...
Apr 25, 2012 | Abandonment, Community, Discipleship, Experiential Teaching & Facilitation, Solitude, Spiritual Formation, Wilderness Bible Studies
Abandonment is Critical to Spiritual Formation & the Wilderness Provides Tremendous Space to Embrace It In my earlier post, It’s not “If”, but “When” to Abandon Ship | A Reflection on Abandonment, we took an honest look at the irony...