Mar 20, 2012 | Experiential Teaching & Facilitation, Outdoor Leadership Training Tips (Blog Series), Outdoor Recreation
I am offline the rest of this week conducting training for two outdoor ministry organizations. I have asked several guest bloggers to post while I’m away. This is a guest post by my friend, Edy Sutherland, author of the Whee Factor. You can visit her website and...
Jan 29, 2012 | Gear, Outdoor Leadership Training Tips (Blog Series), Resources
This could be the best guide gear I’ve seen yet for 2012. If you are looking for a little somethin’ somethin’ to spice up your guide gear this year, the Beardo Beanie could be money… its warm, and its got style for all seasons.
Nov 21, 2011 | Gear, Outdoor Leadership Training Tips (Blog Series), Program Management, Resources, Technology
by Ashley Denton People often ask me what are the most critical steps in starting or running an outdoor ministry. One of the first things I ask about is what kind of safety net will be set up for emergencies that come up in the wilderness? This week DeLorme launched a...
Nov 6, 2011 | Expedition Planning, Gear, Outdoor Leadership Training Tips (Blog Series)
Winter has definitely arrived here in Fort Collins. Last week I was up all night shaking my trees to keep them from snapping in half under the weight of nearly a foot of very wet October snow! Winter provides some of the richest opportunities for outdoor ministry,...