Oct 23, 2012 | Adventure Racing, Leadership Development, Leadership Skills, Outdoor Leadership Training Tips (Blog Series)
This week I spoke at the Latin American Adventure Summit, at Hacienda El Refugio near Quito Ecuador. While I was away, I asked my friend Patrick Crossland to write a guest post. Patrick offers some great insight on the “hills” of ministry we climb…...
Sep 24, 2012 | Adapt, Decision Making, Experiential Teaching & Facilitation, Leadership Development, Leadership Skills
When David’s father Jesse sent David to resupply his brothers on the front lines of the battle against the Philistines, David accepted the task. He had no idea his adaptation skills were about to be tested. When he arrived at the battle lines, he expected to find a...
Sep 1, 2012 | Adventure Therapy, Leadership Development, Leadership Skills, Performance, Spiritual Formation
An Outdoor Lifestyle is a Remedy for an Addiction to the Drug of Drivenness He mocks proud mockers but gives grace to the humble. (Proverbs 3:34) 4 Ways a Christ-centered Outdoor Lifestyle Heals the Achilles Heal of Performance Anxiety At times in my life, of my...
Jun 8, 2012 | Business Lessons from the Wilderness, evaluation, Leadership Development, Leadership Skills, Program Management
What is the quality of your outdoor ministry? It is really easy to start believing your own press. If you have had some success in outdoor ministry you might be tempted to believe that the service you offer is above average, when it probably isn’t. One of the...
May 29, 2012 | Business Lessons from the Wilderness, Leadership Development, Leadership Skills, Solitude, Wilderness Education
In my last post, “Wilderness Education’s Role in Producing Social Innovation,” I highlighted the need young people have today for un-distracted time to think. In this post, we will look at some practical ways that wilderness education encourages and...