Nov 14, 2014 | Experiential Teaching & Facilitation, Spiritual Formation, What is Wilderness Ministry?
I have learned now that while those who speak about one’s miseries usually hurt, those who keep silence hurt more. ― C.S. Lewis Sitting in my office as I write, a woman drives by on the street below with her window down. Screaming at the top of her lungs she...
Apr 25, 2012 | Abandonment, Community, Discipleship, Experiential Teaching & Facilitation, Solitude, Spiritual Formation, Wilderness Bible Studies
Abandonment is Critical to Spiritual Formation & the Wilderness Provides Tremendous Space to Embrace It In my earlier post, It’s not “If”, but “When” to Abandon Ship | A Reflection on Abandonment, we took an honest look at the irony...
Apr 25, 2012 | Abandonment, Discipleship, Experiential Teaching & Facilitation, Leadership Skills, Solitude, Spiritual Formation, Wilderness Bible Studies
Abandonment. Is it good or bad? Or both? Abandonment can be good or bad. It can be courageous or despicable. It can be right or wrong. Abandonment is a bad thing if we abandon someone in his or her time of need, or if we abandon a project before completing it. Yet on...
Sep 27, 2011 | Leadership Skills, Outdoor Leadership Training (Blog Series), What is Outdoor Ministry?
by Ashley Denton WHO IS THE AUDIENCE FOR OUTDOOR MINISTRY? “Is Outdoor Ministry Most Effective for Discipleship or Evangelism?” Answer: BOTH Jesus Christ spent 3 years with a group of young friends who were all over the map in their spiritual awareness of who...