Outdoor Ministry Programs | Waterstone Church Launches “Expedition”

by | Churches with Wilderness Adventure Ministry Programs, Mission

outdoor ministry programsChurch-based outdoor ministry programs are cropping up everywhere. Two of my students from Denver Seminary recently launched one called “Expedition.” and here is what their vision is:

Expedition is an outdoor ministry program with a home base at Waterstone Community Church in Littleton, Colorado.  We exist to see individuals experience God glorifying transformation in a backcountry setting.  Expedition Ministries utilizes God’s creation as the backdrop, and outdoor recreation as the fuel, for a biblical change in perspective and increased intimacy with God.  We believe when our participants step out of the busyness that drives our culture and experience true adventure; perspectives will shift, hearts will be changed, and minds transformed.

One of my hopes and prayers is that many more churches will see the need for outdoor adventure ministries. Churches like Waterstone Community Church in Littleton and Mountain View Community Church in Fort Collins who have viable outdoor ministries can be a great catalyst to help other churches learn how to develop this kind of ministry.

If you would like to learn more about how to start a wilderness or outdoor adventure ministry in your church, feel free to contact me.  Our staff at Wilderness Ministry Institute are “Wilderness Ministry Architects” who love to help churches develop their own outdoor ministries. Many resources are available, including training, church start up packets, and mentorship from outdoor leaders.

Ashley Denton

Author, Christian Outdoor Leadership: Theology, Theory, and Practice & Director, Wilderness Ministry Institute

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