How Warm Hospitality Reflects the Gospel of Jesus

by | Evangelism, Full Spectrum Youth Ministry, Ideas

Hospitality is a Source of Warmth

Trekking in a cold winter storm can help us understand a powerful way to share the Gospel with others. Before any words are spoken, we can provide warmth with hospitality. Enjoy these thoughts on the power of hospitality from my recent cold, snowy trek in the Medicine Bow Mountains of Wyoming.

Full Spectrum Youth Ministry Strategy

In Full Spectrum Youth ministry, there are different zones for leaders to give focus. To learn more about this model, read my post: Full Spectrum Youth Ministry: The Full Picture Jesus had in Mind for Making Disciples. The concept of hospitality can be really effective in practicing “Orange Zone” ministry, or, proclaiming the Gospel to those who are seeking God. It is an experiential way for people to gain an accurate picture of Jesus and what his saving love does. There are so many other creative ways you can use this concept on your trips and in your ongoing ministry.


  1. Describe the kinds of storms that people in your life may be going through. What elements of relief do they need?
  2. What are some characteristics of Jesus that can offer relief to others “trekking through a storm”?
  3. Pray for God to reveal to you who you can “build a fire” for.
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