Outdoor leadership and adventure camping are becoming more common tools for ministries in a wide representation of countries. My blog continues to look at some of the rationale behind why I believe outdoor leadership is a vital tool for missions in the years to come.
Blog Posts
A Friendly (and desperately needed) Outdoor Ministry Video Competition
I think its time for more outdoor ministry programs and universities that offer Christian outdoor leadership degrees to produce a high quality outdoor ministry video to promote their own programs as well as to offer tutorials to aspiring outdoor leaders who aspire to do outdoor ministry.
Most Under-Estimated Benefit of Outdoor Ministry | Time for Evangelism
There are many styles of evangelism, none of which is the “right way”. But one thing is for certain… in wilderness ministry you never have to resort to a hit-and-run style of evangelism. You have plenty of time to ask questions, get to know other people’s views, and then take opportunities to share your own testimony after you have won the right to be heard.
What Makes Wilderness Ministry So Effective? Video Winner
One of my outdoor leadership classes at Denver Seminary made videos addressing some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) regarding wilderness ministry. Here is the winner…
5 Essential Goals of Wilderness Leadership
In 1996, wilderness and outdoor education specialists gathered at the Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute in Bradford Woods, Indiana, to explore the daring question of what composes an authentic wilderness experience.