The whole point of a good inductive Bible study is to help your participants understand the meaning of the passage and then to lead them through application questions that relate to their life in the here and now.
Blog Posts
Interpretation Questions that Make Anyone Look Like a Genius!
There are two types of Bible Study questions. Ones that invite participation and open dialogue, and others that throw a wet blanket on conversation and leave the leader paralyzed in the discomfort of silence. How do you phrase a question that will invite participation?
Mark 1:40-45 | Lessons from a Leper’s Enthusiasm about Jesus
Good timing for these reflection questions is before you set up the first “life story” on the trail as a spring board for understanding how we all have a story to share…
Mark 1:1-15 (Identity) | Inductive Outdoor Bible Study
IDENTITY GOD TAKES GREAT DELIGHT IN JESUS AND THE SAME IS TRUE ABOUT YOU AS YOU HAVE PUT YOUR FAITH IN JESUS AS YOUR MASTER AND SAVIOR Before you start memorizing this next section of Mark, dwell on the following life-giving truth from Zephaniah . If you have...
Outdoor Bible Study (Ephesians 2:1-10): “Spiritually alive” or “spiritually dead?”
How do you know if you are “spiritually alive” or “spiritually dead?” How can we enjoy the abundant life the way God intended us to experience?