I am so excited to have guest blogger, Emily Huguenin, use her 10+ years of outdoor ministry experience to give insight into how wilderness navigation informs a quest for truth. She has written a 3-part series identifying obstacles in the search for "What is True?"...
Blog Posts
Don’t Doubt Your Ability to Interpret Truth
This is the last post in the series on How Wilderness Navigation Informs a Quest for Truth. Guest blogger, Emily Huguenin, examines a third obstacle that you can overcome in your quest for "What is true?" OBSTACLE #3: DOUBTING OUR OWN ABILITY TO INTERPRET TRUTH Years...
What’s the Best Map for Wilderness Navigation? The Bible
Guest blogger Emily Huguenin, is taking a closer look into how wilderness navigation informs a quest for truth. In her past post How Wilderness Navigation Reconnects You To Truth, she addresses the deep longing of our heart for truth and how backcountry navigation is...
How Wilderness Navigation Reconnects You To Truth
In a climate-controlled existence, it can be easy to disconnect from reality and we begin to doubt our ability to know what is true. Conflicting news headlines and clamoring voices make truth seem like an ideal just out of our grasp. Deep in our hearts, we long to...