Blog Posts

Outdoor Illustrations for “Death to Self”: Dry Streams + Dead Branches

Outdoor Illustrations for “Death to Self”: Dry Streams + Dead Branches

Spending time in the outdoors is an incredibly eye-opening experience in that God’s Creation is full of illustrations that can teach us about deep spiritual realities. This reflection highlights two very common outdoor illustrations: 1) dried-up intermittent streams, and 2) dead branches.

It’s Not “If” but “When” to Abandon Ship? A Reflection on Abandonment

It’s Not “If” but “When” to Abandon Ship? A Reflection on Abandonment

When things get tough, we are tempted to abandon. But Jesus gives us his Word, Prayer, and Community to help us endure through trials. In the same way that a group encourages its members to make it through a tough climb, or a sleepless night of wind and rain, connecting to a church and plugging into community will give you the ability to avoid the temptation to abandon the path of discipleship and persevere through life’s storms.

A Spiritual Leadership Lesson from Wilderness First Responder Training

A Spiritual Leadership Lesson from Wilderness First Responder Training

All wilderness leaders need to have some training in in first aid. Knowing how to assess and treat minor injuries and keep serious casualties stable can make a difference. Similarly wilderness ministry leaders can assess the spiritual wellness of their participants and begin to treat the cause of each symptom.


Outdoor Leaders ⛰️