We want to hear God speak to us. We daily need his guidance. Yet, the clutter, busyness, and noise of life at times makes us feel like God’s still small voice is being drowned out. Do you ever freak out a bit and say to yourself something like, “I don’t care what anyone else has to say, I just want to hear what God has to say about this situation.” Well, if you have ever reached that place, then you are welcome member of the human race.
Blog Posts
Taking Care of Your Soul to Know Jesus Deeper
It may seem like the right thing to do to take care of others’ souls at the expense of our own soul, but this is not the pattern we see in Scripture. God’s design is that you first tend to your own soul’s thirst for him. Then you can attend to the needs of others with much more grace.
Why I Went Camo for My Quiet Time with God | Reflecting on Matthew 6:6
"But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” -Matthew 6:6 This morning I got up really early for my quiet time with God which is becoming more of a...
The Spiritual Compass Points to True North | Being Drawn to the Personality of Jesus Christ
Jesus is the most admirable, noble, attractive person who has ever walked the face of the earth. He has gone to the ultimate extreme to show us that he loves us. The compass points to true north – Jesus Christ.
Is it the Experience that Makes Us Stronger? Or is it God?
The next time you find you are in the middle of an epic challenge, whether you are succeeding or failing, stop and recognize what is going on… God is using that experience to show you a window into your soul.