I do not always make room for God’s Word each day. And I suffer greatly for it, and so do my relationships. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Create a rhythm of regular silence and solitude daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, and you will experience more freedom and less slavery to lies.
Blog Posts
Your Soul is the Personal Concern of Jesus | 1 Peter 5:7-8
Jesus has not called you to serve in leadership because he wants to get something out of you. He has invited you in because he wants to pour into your soul and draw you more deeply into himself.
Creating Space for God to Fill You through Wilderness Time
God has used the wilderness as a special place for transformation through the ages by providing his people with “dry space”, where distractions are removed, and margin is created in the soil of people’s hearts to drink in and soak up his words.
The Main Ingredient for Making Major Life Decisions
Before you make major life decisions, set a new course, or embark on a significant event, get some time away in solitude with God to pray.
3 Ways Time in the Wilderness Can Save You from a Life of Busyness
If the wilderness factor was not there in Jesus’ life then we could easily justify an upward spiral toward unbridled productivity and runaway busyness that would lead us all to train wrecked lives.