Jesus has not called you to serve in leadership because he wants to get something out of you. He has invited you in because he wants to pour into your soul and draw you more deeply into himself.

Jesus has not called you to serve in leadership because he wants to get something out of you. He has invited you in because he wants to pour into your soul and draw you more deeply into himself.
There are lots of potential outcomes from a spiritual retreat, but it seems to me that many of us need a retreat because anxiety has set in and we need to get rid of it.
Before you make major life decisions, set a new course, or embark on a significant event, get some time away in solitude with God to pray.
We want to hear God speak to us. We daily need his guidance. Yet, the clutter, busyness, and noise of life at times makes us feel like God’s still small voice is being drowned out. Do you ever freak out a bit and say to yourself something like, “I don’t care what anyone else has to say, I just want to hear what God has to say about this situation.” Well, if you have ever reached that place, then you are welcome member of the human race.
“… and speak tenderly to her…” Hosea reminds God’s people that we have a communication problem. Communication is one of the top shelf needs for all people, and when we can’t communicate we implode.