Rather than having to buy a satellite phone, which can be too costly for a start up outdoor ministry, this week DeLorme launched a bit of outdoor gear that will be a game changer for start up outdoor ministries.

Rather than having to buy a satellite phone, which can be too costly for a start up outdoor ministry, this week DeLorme launched a bit of outdoor gear that will be a game changer for start up outdoor ministries.
The seasons are like a compass or a signpost, they orient us toward God as our loving Creator.
Regardless of one’s views of conservation of natural resources, if one takes a bird’s eye view of God’s creation, it seems quite curious why God would create so much terrain that is virtually uninhabitable. Maybe it is because we need those places?
Winter provides some of the richest opportunities for outdoor ministry, recreation, and solitude….
It’s easy to talk about generalities with people by encouraging them to “think positively”, or “believe in yourself”, or “overcome your fears”. Those are general things that most people know they “ought” to be doing. But are they game changers? I don’t think so. By contrast, a truly effective spiritual leader will seek to know the person, and their life situation like a coach knows his players and the game they are playing. Then he can offer game changing perspective. Caring for another person’s soul involves giving specific guidance. Much like players on the court battling for the ball against a team that wants to shut them down, in the spiritual journey everyone needs someone to coach them by offering specific words on target to the unique inner-workings of their soul.