Procrastinators often make better decisions. Why? Because by waiting until a decision MUST be made they have more time to take in information. The opposite is those who make quick, impulsive decisions based upon emotions…
Blog Posts
Trustology: A Blueprint for Building a Culture of Trust. A Remedy for Healing Disunity & Unproductivity on Your Team!
Trustology inspires leaders and managers to tenaciously maintain an environment of trust because the fruit of cooperative behavior is worth the effort. People who don’t trust one another can only cooperate under a highly regulated and enforceable system of policies. This poisons the roots of creativity and it doesn’t take long before a culture of distrust erodes productivity.
Blessing Underprivileged People w/ Outdoor Adventures | Men’s Ministry
A monumental task. A dream come true. An example of brotherhood… of courage… of bravery. A monumental task. A dream come true. An example of brotherhood… of courage… of bravery. This video is about “Team Alex” – a men’s ministry that sacrificed their hike to get a 14 year old w/ cerebral palsy to the top of one of Colorado’s Fourteeners.
Striving for Last Place – Servant Leadership in Mark 9:33-37
Probably the thing I remember most about this experience was the attitude and demeanor of our sailing guide, Sam. He was a model of servant leadership. Although he was extremely skilled far beyond anyone else in the estuary around us, he displayed patience and genuinely displayed joy as we discovered some new skills.
3 Ways Wilderness Experiences Help Promote Visionary Thinking
The wilderness is an ideal environment for fostering visionary leadership because it is wild and unpredictable. It constantly creates “need to know” situations where one has to sort out the difference between an “okay idea worth trying”, versus “the right thing to do… the thing that we must do, right now.”