God has used the wilderness as a special place for transformation through the ages by providing his people with “dry space”, where distractions are removed, and margin is created in the soil of people’s hearts to drink in and soak up his words.

God has used the wilderness as a special place for transformation through the ages by providing his people with “dry space”, where distractions are removed, and margin is created in the soil of people’s hearts to drink in and soak up his words.
If you ever feel tempted to believe that you can’t make a difference, or that your vote doesn’t count, consider a story from the 4th century about a Monk named, Telemachus. His courageous and selfless act forever changed a culture.
Instead of watching Bob Ross on PBS paint wilderness landscapes, now I’m watching Jesus paint the skies in green brush strokes with a splash of solar particles hitting the northern pole of our globe!
People intrinsically know that to experience greatness is going to require something form them. Those things that are most precious and highly valuable also come with a commensurate cost. Here are some risk quotes to use in teaching others about the need for risk in adventure…
by Ashley Denton Bitter Waters Make us Appreciate the Sweet Water all the More Outdoor leadership facilitation is one of the soft skills of outdoor ministry that helps us motivate and inspire others to listen to God and learn from others. They story of how God used...