Instead of watching Bob Ross on PBS paint wilderness landscapes, now I’m watching Jesus paint the skies in green brush strokes with a splash of solar particles hitting the northern pole of our globe!

Instead of watching Bob Ross on PBS paint wilderness landscapes, now I’m watching Jesus paint the skies in green brush strokes with a splash of solar particles hitting the northern pole of our globe!
We shouldn’t be surprised by trials, we need to expect them…. And trials can be a catalyst for creativity and ingenuity. The wilderness is a perfect environment for ingenuity and improvisation to occur. When problems arise, natural leaders step up and start to unify the group and offer practical solutions.
Missions and snowboarding have a couple things in common. Missions is about making new tracks. There are risks, but the reward is worth it.
Pour Ashley Denton–expert dans la formation des leaders pour la jeunesse chrétienne–la nature et les espaces verts, l’aventure en haute montagne et le sport extrême sont des cadres à la fois exceptionnels et négligés dans le discipulat chrétien de nos jours.
Experiencing God in the Wilderness Through Fresh Bible Study "Awake My Soul" - Mumford and Sons POKHARA, Nepal (April 8, 2011) – I've been traveling to Nepal for the past six years helping develop local youth work and outdoor ministry in the city of Pokhara. Many...