Jesus is the most admirable, noble, attractive person who has ever walked the face of the earth. He has gone to the ultimate extreme to show us that he loves us. The compass points to true north – Jesus Christ.
Blog Posts
Planning: Struggle to Complete Plans? Draw Water Daily-Proverbs 20:5
The next time you’re in the wilderness, waking up really early before everyone else–going down to the stream to collect water, remember that this may be a small act of service, but it is an illustration of a much larger and more profound discipline of how to faithfully complete our plans.
Is it the Experience that Makes Us Stronger? Or is it God?
The next time you find you are in the middle of an epic challenge, whether you are succeeding or failing, stop and recognize what is going on… God is using that experience to show you a window into your soul.
Danger of Viewing the World from Behind a Desk & Smartphone
Wilderness ministry is so vital for the church today. We are all so “busy” but often that busyness is from behind a desk, computer, or laptop—and from there we can only see a small sliver of the world. The dangerous reality is that from there, we only get a small peephole view into people’s souls.
3 Things People Yearn for that Can be Found in Wilderness Experiences
Wilderness ministry is about connecting people to Jesus Christ through outdoor adventure. Here are three things that people yearn form that can be found in the wilderness.