Blog Posts

Good to the Last Drop, Really? | Old Wineskins & Soul Starvation

Good to the Last Drop, Really? | Old Wineskins & Soul Starvation

Jesus used an analogy from creation about how wine ferments and bloats a wineskin to explain the reality of becoming a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17) and entering into relationship with God. Consider what dominant cultural views you think should be confronted today and go outdoors like Jesus did, and look for an analogy from nature to explain what you want to confront.

How to Write Amazing Observation Questions | Outdoor Bible Study

How to Write Amazing Observation Questions | Outdoor Bible Study

Here we begin a three part series, “3 Steps to Writing Well-Crafted Outdoor Bible Study Questions.” My single objective is to remove the “barrier of entry” to effective wilderness ministry by giving Christian outdoor leaders a topo map that leads to competence and confidence in the skill of crafting awesome Bible-reflection questions for the wilderness setting.

How Wilderness Experiences Make Boring Doctrines Relevant Again?

How Wilderness Experiences Make Boring Doctrines Relevant Again?

The wilderness is teeming with colorful stained-glass windows of sky colors that settle our souls into God’s presence and make boring doctrines relevant again. We need more leaders in the church who understand this and will step up and lead others into wilderness experiences to help them grow in worship and awe of their Creator.

How Crucial is Neutral Buoyancy in Scuba Diving? A Spiritual Analogy

How Crucial is Neutral Buoyancy in Scuba Diving? A Spiritual Analogy

Think about it: scuba diving takes me to the bowels of the earth into vast open spaces void of life. You can descend over spectacular ecosystems of coral reefs teeming with animal life from all parts of the food chain. I’ve come to learn that being able to attain neutral buoyancy is the key to easy diving.


Outdoor Leaders ⛰️