This is an incredible real life illustration of extravagant and thoughtful generosity. Even though the warm myth of Santa is used as the backstory or this 5 minute video, this reminds me of the intensity of God’s love for people…

This is an incredible real life illustration of extravagant and thoughtful generosity. Even though the warm myth of Santa is used as the backstory or this 5 minute video, this reminds me of the intensity of God’s love for people…
In the clip below, a little girl puts a coin in a street performer’s hat, and a street performer celebrated her generous heart. She gave a tiny token only to be given back more than she ever could have expected… Isn’t that just like Jesus. When we give what little we have to Christ, he meets us with surprise after surprise… blessing after blessing… extravagant generosity after extravagant generosity.
We often don’t value of something until it’s taken away. Similarly, wilderness leaders practice experiential learning because God models intentionality.