They didn’t expect to make it to the top alive, but the danger was not of a technical nature. They were on a combat mission on the front lines of the Pacific war of World War II.

They didn’t expect to make it to the top alive, but the danger was not of a technical nature. They were on a combat mission on the front lines of the Pacific war of World War II.
How do you know if you are “spiritually alive” or “spiritually dead?” How can we enjoy the abundant life the way God intended us to experience?
Listen to my interview with Kurt Goff of Family Life Radio about my book on outdoor leadership and the ministry of Jesus. I discuss the biblical foundation for outdoor ministry and wilderness leadership. Click here to listen to the interview... Thanks for listening,...
"In fourth century Egypt, many devout Christians were struggling to survive in a society that seemed to have an unbridled disregard for God. Like a house burning violently from within, the only choice many devout Christians felt they had was to run for their lives...