A simple google search for “outdoor ministry” changed my life. And saved it. This search led my husband, Aaron and I to Wilderness Ministry Institute and a community of outdoor leaders and instructors that made an impact on us we could never have seen coming. OUR WALK...
Blog Posts
Creating Space for God to Fill You through Wilderness Time
God has used the wilderness as a special place for transformation through the ages by providing his people with “dry space”, where distractions are removed, and margin is created in the soil of people’s hearts to drink in and soak up his words.
Danger of Viewing the World from Behind a Desk & Smartphone
Wilderness ministry is so vital for the church today. We are all so “busy” but often that busyness is from behind a desk, computer, or laptop—and from there we can only see a small sliver of the world. The dangerous reality is that from there, we only get a small peephole view into people’s souls.