Blog Posts

Don’t Whine, Just Adapt | How the Outdoors Teaches Us Adaptation

Don’t Whine, Just Adapt | How the Outdoors Teaches Us Adaptation

True leaders adapt when the conditions change. Leaders rise up when adaptation is needed. They don’t whine about their limitations, lack of resources or support. They just adapt. Jesus modeled adaptation in the Last Supper scene when it became apparent to him from the Father that his time on earth was coming to a close, and his mission would soon be coming to an end on the cross….

2 Reasons You Should Highlight Risk & Uncertainty in Your Recruiting

2 Reasons You Should Highlight Risk & Uncertainty in Your Recruiting

British Antarctic explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton placed this recruiting advertisement in London newspapers in 1900 in preparation for the National Antarctic Expedition: INDIVIDUALS WANTED FOR HAZARDOUS JOURNEY. Small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful. Honor and recognition in case of success.

Why You Should Assume the Quality of Your Outdoor Ministry is Bad?

Why You Should Assume the Quality of Your Outdoor Ministry is Bad?

What do you have to lose by stepping back for a minute and assuming that your service or outdoor ministry approach is bad? It won’t hurt you to do this exercise and I guarantee it will force you to improve something. This is one of the valuable lessons ministries can learn from business leaders… they know that they have to assume their service is bad to force improvement.

How Wilderness Education Produces Social Innovators

How Wilderness Education Produces Social Innovators

In my last post, “How Wilderness Education will Produce Social Innovation,” I highlighted the need young people have today for un-distracted time to think. In this post we look at practical ways wilderness education encourages & empowers social innovators by giving them time to think & dream about their calling.


Outdoor Leaders ⛰️