Can you imagine a world where fears are confronted? Where traps of entitlement are exposed and plans for living in more spiritual freedom are offered? What would it look like if entanglements that hold you back from God’s purposes were severed? Imagine if you and...
Blog Posts
Christian Outdoor Leadership Audio Version Released
You can now access the AUDIO VERSION of Christian Outdoor Leadership on Audible! Dr. Ashley Denton’s book on Christian outdoor leadership offers a relevant and innovative approach to leadership development, evangelism, discipleship, and spiritual formation through...
Wilderness is a Trustworthy Counselor (Matthew 6:19-21)
Wilderness is a trustworthy counselor. If you visit her office, you'll consistently get truth and grace. Some counselors err on the side of offering too much support and too little challenge. Other counselors go the other extreme. The wilderness has been a type of...
Latin American Fruit | The Patience of Discipleship
Wilderness Ministry Institute (WMI) wants EVERY young person in EVERY culture to have the opportunity to personally encounter Jesus Christ and have an opportunity to grow in their faith through transforming wilderness experiences. That is an enormous task. How can we...
How Christian Community is Found in the Aspen Trees
Nature will bear the closest inspection. She invites us to lay our eye level with her smallest leaf, and take an insect view of its plain – Henry David Thoreau Nature is packed full of complex systems that work together to sustain life. Regardless of how zoomed in or...