Welcome to Day 5 in a 5 Day series on what it looks like to be “All in with Jesus.” Let's not be lukewarm! If you are catching up, the last 4 days have talked about: 1. The unintended consequences of dipping your toes in with Jesus, 2. The fact that belief in an...
Blog Posts
A Life-Changing Remedy for Worry: Seek First Christ’s Kingdom – Day 4
Welcome to Day 4 in a 5 part series on what it looks like to be “All in with Jesus.” Today we will examine how Christ's kingdom is a remedy to worry. If you are catching up, the last 3 posts used the analogy of diving into a lake to examine the process of being "all...
All In with Jesus Even When It’s Uncomfortable: Day 3 (2 Corinthians 11:16-33)
Hopefully, before you read this devotional you’ve had a chance to immerse yourself in the Gospel from the previous post - "Day 2: All In with Jesus: Diving into the Unchanging Gospel,” I hope your 'all-in dive' has helped you experience some of the exhilarating...
“All In with Jesus” DAY 2: Diving Into the Unchanging Gospel (Revelation 3:16)
WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE TO BE ALL IN FOR GOD’S MISSION? The sun rises on day 2 of our adventure in Scripture to discover what it means to be “All in” with Jesus. In our first study, we looked at “What’s Holding You Back?” The unintended consequence of tentatively...
I Want to be “All In with Jesus”, but How? Day 1: What’s Holding You Back?
If you’ve ever had the opportunity to dive into an alpine lake or wade in deep to a mountain stream, you know the difference between being all in versus dipping your toes in some water. THE UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCE OF DIPPING YOUR TOES IS THAT IT MAY KEEP YOU FROM...