The wilderness is a great leveler that will prepare people to open up. But you don’t wake up one day and automatically know how to facilitate discussions with a diverse group of people. If you want your group to discover the meaning of a biblical text and apply it to their lives without you spoon-feeding them, then the soft skill of writing well-crafted questions is a must.
Blog Posts
Quiet Time Questions for a Mountain Top Experience (Luke 9:18-36)
The perspective you gain from a mountain top experience can help you when you walk through some of the more difficult ravines of my normal daily routine—in the valley below. Have you ever observed that hardly anything lives on the mountaintop? This is because the environment is too harsh for creatures to thrive. Life is lived in the valley 24/7 but God knows that we need mountain top experiences from time to time to carve landmarks of perspective into our memory, which can fuel new hope as we journey in the valleys below. Here’s how…
Sustainable Outdoor Ministry Relies On Good Student Ministry
By aligning your outdoor ministry with the youth and college programs you build sustainability into your outdoor ministry. Without sustainability, outdoor ministry programs usually only last a couple of years and then wane.
What is Wilderness? What Does it Mean for You?
This video explains how the Wilderness Act in the United States has profoundly preserved God’s creation for everyone to enjoy.
Wilderness Counseling: What Teenagers Want in a Relationship
Teenagers are so distracted these days and have so much information to process. Yet many of them lack having a loving adult (who has their best interest in mind) help them think through God’s design for relationships. Outdoor ministry provides opportunity for these conversations.