God intentionally tests us through various forms of resistance or trials to establish our belief and integrity. Through the process we learn he is the One who sets the terms of discipleship, not us. When pushed, we might want to push back at God, but in his perfect wisdom he questions and stretches us in such a way that draws us nearer to him rather than causing us to run away.
Blog Posts
Amber’s Story – How Guides Experience God through Guiding Wilderness Trips for Others
As I sit examining the rock in my hands, it shocks me to realize how accurately it represents my guilt. At first, it looked like an average-sized rock, but when I picked it up over half of it was hidden underground. It is so big I can barely hold it above my knees, yet I feel this attachment to the rock, so strong that I don’t want to set it down.
Your Soul is the Personal Concern of Jesus | 1 Peter 5:7-8
Jesus has not called you to serve in leadership because he wants to get something out of you. He has invited you in because he wants to pour into your soul and draw you more deeply into himself.
15 Ways to Teach Like Jesus through Variation & Participation
Is it time to bring some more variety into your teaching style? Jesus made the effort to vary his teaching techniques, and for good reason. He motivated his listeners to participate with him in the learning process. He wanted to move audiences to become active participants. He taught for impact.
A Guide to Picking the Best Knife for Outdoor Leadership
Whether you’re looking for a heavy-duty survival knife or an everyday pocket knife, consult this guide at FIX.com to pick the best knife for your needs!