Timothy Tennent of Asbury Seminary Endorses Denton’s Book

by | Book Reviews, Missions, Resources, Spiritual Formation, Theology

After spending five years working on this book I am encouraged that others are seeing the need for what I’m writing about.  I’m really grateful for Dr. Timothy C. Tennent’s recent endorsement of my book.  Timothy Tennent is the author of Christianity at the Religious Roundtable: Evangelicalism in Conversation with Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam, and is Professor of World Christianity and President of Asbury Theological Seminary:

“In Christian Outdoor Leadership, Ashley Denton achieves a coup d’etat by surprising even seasoned readers of the New Testament about how much of Jesus’ teaching and discipleship takes place outdoors.  We all have seen the amazing results of organizations like Outward Bound, but Denton takes it a step farther by demonstrating the theological basis for outdoor ministry and mentoring.  If you are looking for an alternative to the inwardly focused, self-referential spiral of today’s hedonistic spirituality, then go no farther.  Christian Outdoor Leadership calls an ‘inward’ and ‘indoor’ generation back out into the great outdoors – and reminds us that this is God’s world and it is still his favorite workshop!”

Timothy C. Tennent, Ph.D.
Professor of World Christianity
Asbury Theological Seminary

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