Smooth Stone Publishing News Release

January 6, 2011

Fort Collins, Colo—Dr. Ashley Denton’s book on Christian outdoor leadership is the first of its kind.  To be released January 10, 2011 on, Denton’s book Christian Outdoor Leadership: Theology, Theory, and Practice offers a relevant and innovative approach to leadership development, evangelism, discipleship, and spiritual formation through outdoor adventure.

Denton claims that people today are eager for more experiential approaches to learning. His book re-asserts Jesus’ experiential discipleship strategy by showing how to incorporate outdoor adventure into ministry the way he did. Few books on evangelism or discipleship probe the outdoor dimension of Jesus’ apprenticeship methods, and this book fills that gap.  This book builds on Dr. Robert Coleman’s classic Master Plan of Evangelism by addressing an element of Jesus’ apprenticeship strategy that has been given too little attention: The outdoor setting and timing were often the crucial elements of his teaching that fueled radical change of heart.

Denton asserts, “Jesus coupled compelling rhetoric with adventurous outdoor experiences to cause transformation in those who followed him.” This is exactly what many people are hungry for today. Let Christian Outdoor Leadership: Theology, Theory, and Practice introduce you to a new way of making disciples that is profoundly anchored in Jesus’ ancient style of apprenticeship, utilizing experiential learning and outdoor adventure as a catalyst for transformation.

The list price for the book is $24.99 and you can purchase a copy at on January 10, 2011 or thereafter by searching for “Ashley Denton”, or “Christian Outdoor Leadership: Theology, Theory, and Practice”.  For institutional or international orders please go to Smooth Stone Publishing’s website to contact the publisher directly for your order.

We are confident you will enjoy Ashley Denton’s ground-breaking book.

To view the book’s website go to

—Smooth Stone Publishing

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