Practical Stories that Inspire Excellence in Experiential Learning & Outdoor Ministry

by | Book Reviews, Business Lessons from the Wilderness, Resources

Stories that inspire excellenceI want to share a new resource with you that Joel Vermillion has just published. Available on Kindle, his series entitled, “The Importance of Experience: Essays from the Backcountry: Reflections on Christian Leadership, Outdoor Ministry, and Missions” provides a perspective on excellence in experiential learning and outdoor ministry that inspires novices and challenges seasoned professional outdoor leaders. Joel’s stories that inspire excellence in experiential learning and outdoor ministry come from months of time in the wilderness around the world with a variety of participants in a myriad of cultures.

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Read his essays and get inspired to start an outdoor ministry at your church, or chew on his insights and be reminded why wilderness ministry is so transforming. As the author of Christian Outdoor Leadership, I highly recommend Joel’s writing on outdoor ministry because I know him personally and because he connects with outdoor professionals and novices alike. Thank you Joel!

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