S+T+IC=K Teaching and Facilitation Model | Outdoor Ministry Curriculum

by | Experiential Teaching & Facilitation, Facilitation, Outdoor Leadership Training Tips (Blog Series)

outdoor ministry curriculum

When planning outdoor ministry curriculum you want people to be impacted and remember their experience. In order to do this effectively, lets look to Jesus himself. What did He say and do that made people different?

How did Jesus make His teaching STICK?

The content of Jesus’ teaching usually catches our attention, but what about the context? If you want to emulate the teaching techniques of Jesus you have to pay attention to your surroundings. He didn’t teach in a vacuum. The one-two punch of His teaching style was the way he combined Setting & Timing with Intentional Content to tie the Knot of learning. He evoked a response. He closed the deal.

Your outdoor ministry curriculum will be most transformational when you teach toward a desired outcome. If you want to avoid having what you teach go in one ear and out the other then teach and facilitate learning in the outdoor setting by carefully tying the elements of Setting and Timing together with Intentional Content into a nice Knot to evoke a response.

Download this Free outdoor ministry resource to explore the S+T+IC=K Model of teaching in an outdoor ministry setting. If you would like to go a little deeper into some of the ways you can either improve your current outdoor ministry models or start one from scratch, I invite you to check out my recent blog  Outdoor Ministry Start Up Kit | Outdoor Ministry Curriculum.

Remember, for more hands on tools and deeper explanation of the nuances of the S+T+IC=K Model of teaching and how to apply it in a variety of outdoor ministry contexts, just let your fingers do the walking through my outdoor ministry blog or order my book which is designed to be a field manual for Christian Outdoor Leadership.

by Ashley Denton

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