Snowboard Technology and the Need for Outdoor Gear Innovation

by | Mission, Outdoor Leadership Training Tips (Blog Series), Snowboarding

snowboard technology

Skis Today-Wide is King

When I started skiing in 1975, I could have never imagined the idea of snowboarding. But technology never ceases to amaze me.

Snowboard technology in particular has revolutionized snow sports. Just look at how skis today are looking more and more like snowboards–tips are wider, shorter length is better, etc.

Have you noticed that over the past few years skis are starting to look more and more like snow boards?


snowbaord technology

Snowboard Technology | See the Resemblance to Modern-Day-Skis?

Skis today are wider and more balanced like a snowboard…

I’m a boarder and a skier so I welcome the innovations… but I do have to give kudos to the riders who broke out with the new technology years ago, because it has also made ski technology all the better.

It’s been a while since there was any major radical innovation in outdoor gear technology. Maybe its time again. If you are dreaming up something, go for it… I think the world is ready.

-Ashley Denton

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