Going Global | French Book Review of Christian Outdoor Leadership

by | Book Reviews, International, Resources

Training young leaders with the heart and skill to advance the Great Commission in the next generation…

Just recently, my book Christian Outdoor Leadership became available on Amazon-France. Below is a review from a French perspective (English translation provided). As we keep turning over stones around the world looking for catalytic leaders who will be the thought-leaders in youth ministry in their culture, it is really exciting to find leaders who are seeing the need for more experiential styles of teaching and training for this next generation of leaders. Doors continue to open for our ministry, and we appreciate the support of our fans and partners as we seek to equip and encourage young leaders around the world with the heart and skills needed to advance the Great Commission in this next generation!

English Translation:

For Ashley Denton–expert in the training of leaders for youth ministry–nature and the outdoors, mountainous adventure and extreme sports are exceptionally advantageous yet much neglected spaces for discipleship formation in today’s world. What’s new in this book is the teasing out of a veritable biblical theology of discipleship and of experiential discipleship formation in the outdoors. In the end it is not so surprising that the Creator of our planet might use natural elements and phenomena for instructing and training His children and for illustrating eternal truths. In our relentlessly urbanizing world in which city-dwellers benefit decreasingly from direct points of contact with nature while at the same time increasingly becoming slaves to their artificial spaces, the church needs to rethink the training contexts and platforms of its leaders. Ashley Denton helps us rediscover the ancient method of outdoor formation which produced spiritual leaders such as Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Moses, Jacob, David, Peter, James, John and Paul.

 French Review of Christian Outdoor Leadership

Excellent ouvrage sur le thème du discipulat en plein air, 8 décembre 2011
Pour Ashley Denton–expert dans la formation des leaders pour la jeunesse chrétienne–la nature et les espaces verts, l’aventure en haute montagne et le sport extrême sont des cadres à la fois exceptionnels et négligés dans le discipulat chrétien de nos jours. Ce qui est nouveau dans ce livre, c’est la mise en évidence d’une véritable théologie biblique du discipulat et de la formation expérientielle en plein air. Tous comptes faits, ce n’est pas étonnant que le Créateur de notre planète se serve des éléments et des phénomènes naturels pour instruire et former ses enfants et pour illustrer des vérités éternelles. Dans un monde en pleine urbanisation où les citadins sont de moins en moins en contact directe avec la nature et de plus en plus esclaves de leurs espaces artificiels, l’église a besoin de repenser les contextes et les plateformes de formation spirituelle de ses leaders. Ashley Denton nous aide à redécouvrir la méthode ancienne d’apprentissage en plein air qui a produit des leaders spirituels tels que Noé, Abraham, Sara, Moïse, Jacob, David, Pierre, Jacques, Jean et Paul.

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