Outdoor Layering Systems | Winter Clothing

by | Expedition Planning, Gear, Outdoor Leadership Training Tips (Blog Series)

Winter has definitely arrived here in Fort Collins. Last week I was up all night shaking my trees to keep them from snapping in half under the weight of nearly a foot of very wet October snow!

Winter provides some of the richest opportunities for outdoor ministry, recreation, and solitude. The stillness of snowshoeing through the snow, the serenity of balancing an alpine ridge on a clear day, and the coziness of hunkering down with some friends in a blizzard with a hot cup of joe in your 4 season tent… what could be more fun?

Outdoor Layering Systems

Well, before you head out into the wilderness this winter, you need to make sure you have the right outdoor layering systems in place. Winter outdoor pursuits are all about layering, and NOLS has put together a great, brief, informative video to walk through the basics of putting together a bomb proof Winter Clothing Layering System.

Have fun, and stay warm, but not too warm!





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